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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est MIRACLE WORKERS. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est MIRACLE WORKERS. Afficher tous les articles

jeudi 1 juin 1989

MIRACLE WORKERS ~ Le New Morning. Paris.

🕖 Set Times:
8:00 pm — Doors Open
8:30 pm — Miracle Workers
Support Act : ---
~ TOUR 1989
Primary Domain is the third studio album by American (from Portland, Oregon) garage rock revival band Miracle Workers, released on May 1, 1989. Producer Miracle Workers. The Miracle Workers were amongst the founding bands of the stoner rock movement.


Gerry Mohr — lead vocals (1982-1991)
Robert Butler — bass, harmonica 
Matt Rogers — guitar, organ (1986-1991)
 Gene Trautmann —drums, backing vocals (1984-1990)

The Setlist
Time Set: 0h00