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vendredi 8 juin 1990

CERTAIN GENERAL ~ Le Bataclan. Paris.

🕖 Set Times:
7:00 pm — Doors Open
7:40 pm — Manu Kanche
8:40 pm — Certain General (USA)

Support Act: MANU KANCHE
~ TOUR 1990 ~

 These Are the Days is the seventh studio album by American (from New York City) post-punk alternatve pop new wave band Certain General, released on 1998. Producer Genya Ravan (the Dead Boys).

Parker Dulany — lead vocals, rhythm guitar (1980–present)
Phil Gammage — lead guitar, backing vocals(1980-1985; 1999–present)

Marcy Saddy — bass, backing vocals (1980-1999)
Kevin Tooley — drums, backing vocals, harmonica (1980–present)

The Setlist

 Time Set: 0h00


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