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vendredi 6 mars 1992

LITTLE VILLAGE ~ La Cigale. Paris.

Support Act :

  ~  TOUR 1992 ~

Ry Cooder - guitar, vocals
John Hiatt - guitar, vocals
Jim Keltner - drums
Nick Lowe - bass, vocals

The Setlist

01. The Action 
02. intros 
03. Solar Sex Panel 
04. Fool Who Knows 
05. Crazy 'Bout An Automobile 
06. Inside Job 
07. Take Another Look
08. Do You Want My Job 
09. Don't Bug Me When I'm Working 
10. She Runs Hot For Me 
11. Don't Think About Her When You're Trying To Drive 
12. Crying In My Sleep 
13. Don't Go Away Mad 
14. Big Love 
15. Little Sister 
16. Across The Borderline 
17. Do With Me What You Want To Do 
18. Thing Called Love 
19. ovation 


20. Lipstick Sunset 

Time Set: 1h42 

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