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mercredi 25 juin 2008

BJÖRK ~ L'Olympia. Paris.

Support Act:
  ~  THE VOLTA TOUR 2008  ~

Volta is the seventh studio album by Icelandic musician Björk, released in May 2007. The music of Volta was a new style for Björk, focusing on music combining African-influenced beats with horn sections and elements of industrial music.
The Setlist

01. Brennið Þið Vitar  (Traditional Icelandic)
02. Earth Intruders (Volta - 2007)
03. Hunter (Family Tree - 2002)
04. Immature (Family Tree - 2002)
05. Jóga (Family Tree - 2002)
06. I See Who You Are (Volta - 2007)
07. The Pleasure Is All Mine (Medulla - 2004)
08. Pagan Poetry (Family Tree - 2002)
09. Vertebrae By Vertebrae (Volta - 2007)
10. Where Is The Line (Medúlla - 2004)
11. Who Is It (Medúlla - 2004)
12. Oceania (Medúlla - 2004) (Instrumental)
13. Desired Constellation (Medúlla - 2004)
14. Army Of Me (Post - 2001
15. Innocence (Volta - 2007)
16. Triumph Of A Heart (Medúlla - 2004)
17. Bachelorette (Medúlla - 2004)
18. Vökuró (Medúlla - 2004)
19. Wanderlust (Volta - 2007)
20. Hyperballad (Family Tree - 2002)
21. Pluto (Homogenic - 2006)


Introducing musicians
22. Declare Independence (Volta - 2007)

Time Set: 0h00

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