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lundi 18 décembre 2017

JESSICA93 ~ La Maroquinerie. Paris.

 *** DAY 2/2 -- RELEASE PARTY ***

Support Act: BLEAKNESS (Fr)

Guilty Species Is the fourth album by French solo project,  between shoegaze, noise and new wave/post-punk/cold wave, one-man-band Jessica93 (Geoffroy Laporte from Paris). Released on November 3, 2017.


Geoffroy Laporte - Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drum machine
Eric (Ex Fat Beaver, Bitpart) - Guitar 
 Henry Adams (Ex Marietta) - Bass
 David Snug ( Ex-Trotsky Nautique) - Cymbals, machines

The Setlist 

Poison (Single - 2013) (Who Cares - 2013)
Asylum (Rise - 2014)
Big Black (cover song ?)
Anti Cafard 2000 (Guilty Species - 2017)
Endless (Salle De Shoot - Jessica 93 & Mistress Bomb H — 2014)
Surmatans (Rise - 2014)
Karmic Debt (Rise - 2014)
Guilty Species (Guilty Species - 2017)
French Bashing (Guilty Species - 2017)
Bed Bugs (Guilty Species - 2017)
Uncertain to Me (Guilty Species - 2017)
Mental Institution (Guilty Species - 2017)


Venus Flytrap (Guilty Species - 2017)
R.I.P. in Peace (Guilty Species - 2017)

 Time Set: 1h20


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