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samedi 8 février 2020

DIR EN GREY (ディル・アン・グレイ) ~ L'Elysée Montmartre. Paris.


🕖 Set Times:
6:30 pm — Doors Open
7:30 pm— DJ
8:30 pm— DIR EN GREY (ディル・アン・グレイ)
Support Act: DJ


The Insulated World is the tenth album by the Japanese (from Osaka) artful progressive experimental metal band Dir En Grey, released on September 26, 2018. Produced by Dir En Grey - Dynamite Tommy.
DIR EN GREY (ディル・アン・グレイ) (Band) 

Kyo — lead vocals (1996-present)
Kaoru — guitar, backing vocale (1996-present)
Die — guitar, backing vocals (1996-present)
Toshiya — bass, backing vocals (1997-present)
Shinya — drums, percussion (1996-present) 

The Setlist
 DIR EN GREY (ディル・アン・グレイ)

 Intro Tape: New SE
Zetsuentai (The Insulated World - 2018)
Ningen o Kaburu (The Insulated World - 2018)
Rubbish Heap (The Insulated World - 2018)
Devote My Life (The Insulated World - 2018)
Keibetsu to Hajimari (The Insulated World - 2018)
Celebrate Empty Howls (The Insulated World - 2018)
Aka (The Insulated World - 2018)
Merciless Cult (Withering To Death - 2005)
Downfall (The Insulated World - 2018)
Values of Madness (The Insulated World - 2018)
Keigaku no Yoku (The Insulated World - 2018)
Ranunculus (The Insulated World - 2018)
The World of Mercy (Single - 2019)

Encore 1

Followers (The Insulated World - 2018)
THE DEEPER VILENESS (The Marrow Of A Bone - 2007)
Utafumi (The Insulated World - 2018)

Encore 2

Sustain the untruth (Arche - 2014)

 Time Set: 1h50


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